Recognised Prior Learning (RPL)

The National Finance Institute recognises the skills and knowledge that you have gained through work experience and/or past study.

Applicants are given the opportunity to have their existing competencies and experience recognised. There are two methods by which The National Finance Institute grants recognition of prior learning for the Cert IV and for the Diploma qualifications:

RPL by Portfolio

Demonstrated competence in the subject material through documented evidence of workplace experience, skills and knowledge.

Experienced professionals who have more than two (2) years industry experience may be eligible for RPL by Portfolio. This option requires you to submit a portfolio containing evidence of work history, training, skills and knowledge to be assessed against the competencies required for the relevant NFI course. For brokers/lenders this is typically in the form of a complete CV plus a sample of a client deal you have completed unsupervised, from start to finish.

If you have completed a non-accredited training course in the subject material (i.e. through a non-RTO training provider), or if you have industry experience only, you will need to have your competence recognised through RPL by Portfolio.

Certificate IV and/or Diploma in Mortgage Broking

The RPL Application form is available by calling NFI on 1300 765 400 or at this link
- the pdf which opens will explain the procedure for FNS40821 Certificate IV and FNS50322 Diploma qualifications. 
If you prefer, you can request to receive it by email from
The form provides details about applying for RPL by Portfolio, the fee and specific documentation requirements.

This is the most common form of applying for Recognition of Prior Learning for the FNS40821 Certificate IV and FNS50322 Diploma qualifications.  The fee is $695 per qualification (incl GST) or $895 for both the FNS40821 and FNS50322 certificates. Applicants must have at least two of the last five years' experience in the Australian Financial Services industry, principally involved in Finance/Lending/Mortgage Broking.

Certificate IV in Credit Management

The RPL form for the FNS40122 Certificate IV in Credit Management can be accessed here.

Other RPL forms can be found under our Forms and Freebies page

RPL by Credit Transfer

RPL by Credit Transfer is the completion of another recognised RTO training course in the subject material of the relevant course.

The National Finance Institute grants RPL by Credit Transfer for courses completed through other training providers. If you believe your previous studies contained similar content coverage to your intended course enrolment with NFI, then you can apply to have credit transferred for all or part of the NFI course. The course being used for credit transfer must have been completed within the past five (5) years and clearly match the content of the course and/or modules for which the RPL by Credit Transfer is to apply.  Sometimes RPL can be a combination of Credit Transfer (prior study) and RPL by Portfolio.

To obtain RPL which incorporates Credit Transfer, please utilise the RPL application form for mortgage broking qualifications. Or please phone 1300 765 400 or email